Series 18: The Joy of Self. Transmutation of the female deficiency´s social absorption. Being – feminine- Unified, fully qualified for their participation in cultural-political-social decisions, 2004-2006.
Vertical: Free fl ow and connection of energies from the central nervous system. Intentions, desires, feelings, affections, expressions and intellect expressed freely via the same organic vertical axis, confl ict-free and in harmony with their orthogonal horizontal (vision – mind). The woman artist.
Having wound up the exhibition in Chelsea, where I had stated and consolidated the theme of the proper appraisal of femininity, I started on this latest series with the painting Perception. This was followed by two on the theme of the vertebral column and the chakras, Panic … the moment coinciding with an accident that led to a fi re that gutted the fi rst few fl oors of the house where I was living. By some miracle I got out of my fl at alive and unhurt and with my paintings safe and sound.
I decided to spend more time in the country, in the Catskills, to get into more direct contact with nature. A very difficult moment in the execution of a painting called Combustion and a hugely liberating one with Joy.
This series is of absolutely vital importance for my encounter with the basic truth of the Original Division, in which personality had to renounce itself, falling back on opposites, and creating the archetype of the super-powerful Great Mother, by interiorizing and cultivating internally what I am: a creative artist.
With the help, as ever, of my readings in a number of disciplines, including Luce Irigaray, Carl G. Jung, Joseph Campbell, Jacques Derrida, Sigrid Weigel, Caroline Myss, G.S. Arundale and many others, I concentrated on the theme of the psychological archetypes, the philosophy of deconstruction, and the therapies of the chakras and the use of universal energy, before fi nally returning to psychological therapy under the guiding hand of Dr. Silvia Fustenberg in New York.
With the professional help of this remarkable woman and professional, I have been able to perceive a series of social archetypes interiorized from my infancy–the absorption of lack–that collided, that entered into confl ict with my personal and professional desires and projects that I wanted, in my most conscious part, to work on and complete.